The Lightfoot concept...

The concept of a small, light ecological footprint, modular-component dwelling has been incubating in my design-mind for nearly two decades, and has matured significantly through the influence of a design colleague, permaculture designer Barbara Hardy. The various ideations took on many forms, but even the best ideas need a catalyst to synergize with reality. Last year the missing ingredients appeared in the form of a like-minded client and several potential sites within the Great Lakes Watershed bioregion.

Design Criteria:
  • A small (200-300 square feet), off-the-grid dwelling w/o electrical service, water well or septic system
  • A camp-style habitat accommodating 1-2 occupants
  • Employ pre-fabricated modules able to be handled by two people
  • Be assembled on-site without the typical construction damage to the natural environment – roads/equipment/semi-permanent foundations
  • Be disassemble-able and reassemble-able in another location, allowing the original site to heal completely in a period of months
  • Maximize use of material and energy resources and (at every stage) seek harmony and symbiosis with nature
The LIGHTFOOT(cc) concept displayed here is the result of that effort. A prototype is currently under construction.